• http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Yl-mb5XisT0/S-uJ4GrQ5fI/AAAAAAAAL3g/DeHdUpJIcjY/s1600/echoton_small.jpg


    Origine du Groupe : Germany
    Style : Minimal Electro Dub , House
    Sortie : 2010

    By http://www.deepindub.org

    Floating fine dub techno tunes, perfect for the coming summer are featured in this Ep, this music, made by Echoton, will tickle the ears for the most valuable kind of dub techno lovers !

    Please peoples, enjoy !!!



    Tracklist :
    1 GibDeBudda 7:43
    2 Heut Nacht 6:14
    3 Mimic 9:08
    4 So Jus 5:28

    mp3 FREE DOWNLOAD FROM NETLABEL deepindub.org

    [Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Italy]

    votre commentaire
  • http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Yl-mb5XisT0/S-uJ4GrQ5fI/AAAAAAAAL3g/DeHdUpJIcjY/s1600/echoton_small.jpg


    Origine du Groupe : Germany
    Style : Minimal Electro Dub , House
    Sortie : 2010

    By http://www.deepindub.org

    Floating fine dub techno tunes, perfect for the coming summer are featured in this Ep, this music, made by Echoton, will tickle the ears for the most valuable kind of dub techno lovers !

    Please peoples, enjoy !!!



    Tracklist :
    1 GibDeBudda 7:43
    2 Heut Nacht 6:14
    3 Mimic 9:08
    4 So Jus 5:28

    mp3 FREE DOWNLOAD FROM NETLABEL deepindub.org

    [Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Italy]

    votre commentaire
  • http://bandcamp.com/files/21/61/2161733072-1.jpg



    Origine du Groupe : North America
    Style : Abstract hip hop
    Sortie : 2006

    From Official Site :

    Seattle based producers Adam Straney and Justin Neff have created a unique style of instrumental music featuring organic and synthetic beats combined with evolving soundscapes, dreamlike sax, dusty samples, soaring synths, and pulsing drum machines that can only be defined as The New Law.

    Adam began his musical career playing guitar, bass, and drums in punk bands throughout his youth. In college he discovered a new love for Drum ‘n’ Bass music, which soon led to DJing and producing. Justin began playing the piano at age six, picked up the saxophone at age twelve, and has played in jazz, funk and rock bands ever since. The duo met during college while working at a movie theater, and their mutual passion for music of all genres served as a foundation for what would become The New Law.

    More than half a decade later, The New Law has been featured as an up-and-coming artist in magazines and websites such as properlychilled.com, textura and 80bpm.net, in addition to being selected as Urb Magazine’s Next 1,000 Artists.

    Tracklist :
    1.Deconstructed Funk 06:04
    2.Highly Sophisticated 06:10   
    3.Tired of Feeling Like This 07:26
    4.Fa Lude Oh! 05:02
    5.The Midnight Sorceror 03:18
    6.Afterlife 06:02
    7.The Story of the Dragon Slayer 02:50
    8.Banshee On Valium 06:11   
    9.Black and Tan 07:15    
    10.Falling Autumn 05:09   
    11.Bloody Mary 06:35   
    12.Bad Weather Beach 05:39    
    13.Drinkin' Whisky and Playin' Vids 03:15   
    14.MCMXXXVII 03:38


    votre commentaire
  • http://bandcamp.com/files/21/61/2161733072-1.jpg



    Origine du Groupe : North America
    Style : Abstract hip hop
    Sortie : 2006

    From Official Site :

    Seattle based producers Adam Straney and Justin Neff have created a unique style of instrumental music featuring organic and synthetic beats combined with evolving soundscapes, dreamlike sax, dusty samples, soaring synths, and pulsing drum machines that can only be defined as The New Law.

    Adam began his musical career playing guitar, bass, and drums in punk bands throughout his youth. In college he discovered a new love for Drum ‘n’ Bass music, which soon led to DJing and producing. Justin began playing the piano at age six, picked up the saxophone at age twelve, and has played in jazz, funk and rock bands ever since. The duo met during college while working at a movie theater, and their mutual passion for music of all genres served as a foundation for what would become The New Law.

    More than half a decade later, The New Law has been featured as an up-and-coming artist in magazines and websites such as properlychilled.com, textura and 80bpm.net, in addition to being selected as Urb Magazine’s Next 1,000 Artists.

    Tracklist :
    1.Deconstructed Funk 06:04
    2.Highly Sophisticated 06:10   
    3.Tired of Feeling Like This 07:26
    4.Fa Lude Oh! 05:02
    5.The Midnight Sorceror 03:18
    6.Afterlife 06:02
    7.The Story of the Dragon Slayer 02:50
    8.Banshee On Valium 06:11   
    9.Black and Tan 07:15    
    10.Falling Autumn 05:09   
    11.Bloody Mary 06:35   
    12.Bad Weather Beach 05:39    
    13.Drinkin' Whisky and Playin' Vids 03:15   
    14.MCMXXXVII 03:38


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  • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tFTMaqlQ5VI/SqjF3Mc0FMI/AAAAAAAACTk/pWByAqgwtPE/s320/sweet+smoke+-+just+a+poke+a.jpg


    Origine du Groupe : North America
    Style : Psychedelic Rock Groove Jazz
    Sortie : 1970

    Par http://alternativesound.musicblog.fr
    Sweet Smoke, groupe originaire de Brooklyn, formé en 1967, s'établit deux ans plus tard en Allemagne afin de vivre en communauté. Sweet Smoke est un pur produit de la culture hippie et ce "just a poke" est un des sommets musical de ce mouvement.

    Ce premier album sorti en 1970 n'est composé que de deux longues plages de 16 minutes chacunes, composées à partir de longs jams improvisés, ce dont le groupe était coutumier en live. Malgré la durée des morceaux, Sweet Smoke ne tombe pas dans les travers de certains groupes de rock progressif de l'époque, évitant les longueurs et n'étant à aucun moment ennuyeux. "Baby Night", qui truste la face A, est une parfaite synthese de rock 70's, de jazz et de funk. Le morceau commence en douceur avec une superbe mélodie portée par une voix des plus chaudes, accompagnée par une flûte enchanteresse. Le tempo s'emballe ensuite dans un délire jazzy rock irrésistible avant de s'approprier le "soft parade" des Doors dans une version des plus étonnantes.

    On change de face et un saxophone au groove frénétique et psychédélique ouvre "silly sally". Les guitares partent ensuite dans des dérives kaléidoscopiques avant un court solo de basse magistral annonciateur d'un long solo de batterie dantesque. Agrémenté d'effets stéréos et de flanger, il donne l'impression d'entendre un hélicoptère au dessus de nos têtes. Ce passage, qui n'est pas sans rappeler "in-a-gadda-da-vida" de Iron Butterfly, est à tout pris à savourer au casque et est un des temps forts de cet album.

    La pochette décrit bien la teneur de ce disque : un dessin aux couleurs psychés où un personnage tire sur un joint aux motifs du drapeau américain. En bref, l'écoute de "just a poke" emmène très haut dans les nuages et est un petit bonhneur de poésie musicale.

    Si jusqu'à présent, vous pensiez qu'un morceau long est forcément ennuyeux, ce "just a poke" groovy en diable et psychédélique va vite vous faire changer d'avis !

    Tracklist :
    1. Baby Night (16:24)
    2. Silly Sally (16:22)


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