• http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bNy01y2CZik/TEvHmnQHhEI/AAAAAAAAA6M/rQDk7yX1lGk/s400/capa%282%29.jpg


    Origine du Groupe : Brazil
    Style : Funk , Instrumental
    Sortie : 2009

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    FUNKESSENCIA, uma banda de deep funk. O Funkessencia lança em Setembro um single chamado "Urbanismo", que conta com duas faixas bônus. Uma versão de "Chameleon", clássico de Herbie Hancock e Headhunters, e uma versão para "Music is Rulling My World", de Kutiman.

    por DNA

    Tracklist :
    01. Urbanismo
    02. Chameleon
    03. MIRMW



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  • http://www.dustygroove.com/images/products/m/mcdona_lee~_sweetmagi_101b.jpg

    Origine du Groupe : North America
    Style : Soul , Funk
    Sortie : 1981

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     A lost bit of modern soul from New Jersey -- sweet, mellow, and with a groove that's very much in the Philly indie mode of the late 70s! Not much is known about Lee, but the album's got that laidback, late nite groove that makes indie soul so great -- professional in intent, but handled with an honest simplicity that makes the record a bit more compelling than most of its contemporaries. Contains a version of "We've Only Just Begun" that's so great it's got to be heard to be believed -- completely different than the original, done with jazzy conga flourishes that really open up the groove. Other tracks include the great Northern Soul track "I'll do anything for you", "Gotta Get Home", "Sweet Magic", "Slow Down", "Let's Play Luck", and "Show Me".
    Enjoy it!

    by Greg

    Tracklist :
    01 - Sweet Magic
    02 - Slow Down
    03 - We've Only Just Begun
    04 - Let's Play Luck
    05 - I'll Do Anything for You
    06 - Show Me
    07 - Gotta Get Home
    08 - Sweet Magic [Instrumental]

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  • http://www.auralexploits.com/ebay_images/lp/LeeShawn_SingASong.jpg

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    Origine du Groupe : U.K
    Style : Groove , Funk , Soul
    Sortie : 2010

    Shawn Lee records and releases albums at a pace that few beside Robert Pollard could match, but at least Lee tries to make each one distinctive. His latest, Sing A Song, features vocalists on every track, and leaves aside Lee’s usual internationalist “soundtrack jazz” in favor of retro soul that wouldn’t sound too out of place on Daptone—that is, if Daptone were more interested in psychedelic-ified ’70s R&B rather than the sweaty, rootsy ’60s kind. Not that Lee stays completely committed to the bit; “Fade Up” has a spacey, futuristic feel, while the oddball ballad “I’ll Just Wait A While” shifts from acoustic moaning to wacked-out lounge music. But for the most part, Sing A Song leans more toward songs along the lines of the deeply funky Robert Bradley collaboration “Fading Light” and the bongo-riffic, distorted “Who Are You?” Sing A Song relies too much on novelty numbers like the one-joke “Christopher Walken On Sunshine” and the doo-wop piss-take “Swimming Pool,” but when Lee constructs a soul song as classic-sounding as “It Takes Two”—with its tin-can Marcus Malone vocals and bright chimes—he takes care to get the atmosphere as correct as the orchestration.
    By Noel Murray

    Tracklist :
    01. Shut Up And Learn (ft. Fanny Franklin)
    02. It Takes Two (ft. Marcus Malone)
    03. Who Are You? (ft. Bing Ji Ling)
    04. Fade Up (feat. The Superimposers)
    05. I’ll Just Wait A While
    06. Fading Light (ft. Lord Large & Robert Bradley)
    07. Older (ft. Miles Bonney)
    08. Swimming Pool
    09. Don’t Let That Feeling (ft. The Superimposers)
    10. Lucy Lucy (ft. Jeremiah)
    11. Christopher Walken on Sunshine (ft. Princess Superstar)
    12. Meadow in the Summer (ft. Paul Fryer)



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  • http://www.bigsamsfunkynation.com/promokit/photos/bigsamking.jpg

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    Origine du Groupe : North America
    Style : Funk , Soul , Rock
    Sortie : 2010

    Big Sam's Funky Nation's fourth album, King of the Party, extends Big Sam's reign beyond the kingdom of Funk! This Hypersoul Records release embodies the full of life and celebratory attitude of band's hometown of New Orleans, and adds to it a funk-charged, rock n' roll, jazz and hip-hop infused vibe.
    The title track and anthem, "King of the Party," declares that the party has arrived. The energetic drumming and gritty guitar work lay it down for Big Sam's funky trombone to blow you away as he flexes his musical muscle and takes on new musical territory. Big Sam wants you to dance, and sets out to do so with high energy and playful Parliament Funkadelic-inspired funk-rock jams like "Krunked Up" and "Rage On!"

    The album takes a turn to a more soulfully-inspired groove with "Rock Yo Soul." A powerful drum intro, heavy guitar and bass lines underlie Big Sam's deep trombone in this funk-laden tribute to the classic rock gods such as Sabbath, Hendrix, and the Rolling Stones.
    BSFN allows you to catch your breath with "Take 5," then pushes forward full-throttle with driving and upbeat rendition of Otis Redding's "Hard to Handle." The straight BSFN party continues with horn heavy funk tracks "Big Ole Booty" and "Work It."

    If you've ever seen BSFN live, you know exactly what Sam is talking about with "See Me Dance." The horn-heavy song swings into a bouncy beat and breaks it down to the nitty gritty-- Big Sam is a dancing machine and you'd better be ready to shake too it when you come to a live show.
    King of the Party closes strong with "Dance Floor," an electronic funk track with lively vocals that could make a robot second line. King of the Party is full of pure musical energy andtranscends the confines of homegrown New Orleans funk to a momentous blend of funk, rock, R&B and jazz that will keep the party going all night.

    Tracklist :
    King Of The Party 3:33
    Krunked Up 4:44
    Rage On! 2:46
    Straight To It 3:15
    Rock Yo Soul 4:24
    Take 5 1:55
    Hard To Handle 4:14
    Big Ole Booty 3:46
    See Me Dance 3:35
    Work It 4:58
    Dance Floor 3:31
    Untitled 0:11
    Untitled 0:18
    Untitled 0:18
    Untitled 0:18
    Untitled 0:18
    Bonus Track 4:01



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  • http://www.dkpw.co.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/fee7_1.JPG

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    1999. Nottingham. Prenez quatre musiciens anglais. Bien sûr vous ne les prenez pas au hasard, mais parce que leurs CV alignent des références solides : Justin Dodsworth fut clavier pour Lee Scratch Perry ou Ron Wood et Anthony Reed, guitariste, est diplômé en Jazz de l’Université de Leeds. L’assemblage vous donne un mélange d’influences aussi diverses et variées que Boogaloo Joe Jones, les Meters, Bob Dylan, les Mohawks, Jimi Hendrix ou les Who. Confiez à vos petits gars une mission en apparence simple : cracher du groove jusqu’à en perdre haleine.
    2006. Après plusieurs années à affûter le tranchant de leur son sur les scènes anglaises ou européennes et après quelques missions éclairs sur 45t, il ne vous reste plus qu’à lancer votre équipe comme une bombe sur un public convié à un innocent « picnic »... Oublié le babybel sur les parkings de l’autoroute des vacances, envolés la nappe à carreau et le poulet rôti sur la plage de Dunkerque. Ce pique-nique là explose le salon de jardin à coup de « raw funk » et de « heavy soul jazz » et il remplace la tarte aux pommes de Tata Josette par un « gâteau érotique » chaud comme la braise.
    A écouter les Stoned Soul Picnic on ne peut s’empêcher de penser aux New Mastersounds : la formation minimale (basse, batterie, guitare, claver) et les références musicales sont communes, le talent des instrumentistes est équivalent. Les instrumentaux énergiques, percutants et accrocheurs (Boogaloo Baby, Vote For Number 6) évoquent les Meters, ou plus près de nous les Lefties Soul Connection, tandis que des grooves jazzy extrêmement solides s’aventurent vers les productions Blue Note sixties (Hip Joint, mon morceau préféré de l’album). L’orgue hammond, ingrédient cher aux frangins cuistots de chez Soul Cookers, est ici en très bonne position et bénéficie des caresses d’un maître-queue de grand talent. Sous les doigts de Justin Dodsworth il bondit, virevolte, s’égosille à plaisir. Et surtout, le menu se révèle beaucoup moins monotone que celui de la cantine, grâce à la participation de quelques musiciens qui font évoluer avec bonheur la formation de base : la voix de Marika Ling sur Ain’t gonna tell no-one et Ready for Seven, celle de Dave « Stickman » Higgins sur Soulfood Preacher, et le sax de Carl Stanley, collaborateur de Roy Ayers, sur Get Off The Bus. Et le tout de finir dans un orgasme pâtissier (Erotic Cakes) particulièrement communicatif. Un vrai album donc, qui montre l’étendue du talent de ce combo anglais et qui, par l'intermédiaire de Soul Cookers , montre qu'en France aussi on s'intéresse au vrai funk pur et dur.

    par http://www.wegofunk.com

    Origine du Groupe : U.K
    Style : Funk , Soul
    Sortie : 2006

    Tracklist :
    1. Boogaloo Baby (re-recorded version)
    2. Count Me Out
    3. Ain't Gonna Tell No-One
    4. Get Off The Bus
    5. Soul Food Preacher
    6. The Grinder (Pt.1)
    7. The Grinder (Pt.2)
    8. Hip Joint
    9. Hardtop 22
    10. Ready For Seven
    11. Vote For Number 6
    12. Erotic Cakes



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